How to configure the Zodiac Watch
Configuration Shortcuts
If one of the four input fields is focused (i.e. the cursor is visible inside)
you may use the following keys as shortcuts to change the configuration without
switching to the configuration frame.
Configuration Frame
The "Config" button (see figure 8)
opens the configuration frame shown in figure 9.
The configuration items are listed in four separate groups: display modes for
input values, type and draw mode of the
chart itself and parameters for
planet and house calculations.
Round configuration items (radio-buttons) are used to select one of several
possibilities and square items (check-boxes) are used to enable or disable a
feature. Grey items are disabled and are not available for the actual
configuration (or at all if the item is reserved for future use).
- Degree dec.: Both location values (latitude and longitude) are
displayed as degrees and fractions of degrees, separated by a dot.
Negative values indicate South if used for latitude or West if used for
longitude, e.g. latitude -17.3 = 17 South 18' 0 0".
- Degree D:M:S: The location values are displayed as degrees,
minutes (1' = 1/60°) and seconds (1" = 1/3600°).
This is the default.
- Date Calendar: The date value is displayed as day, month and year,
separated by dots, i.e. DD.MM.YYYY. This is the default.
- Date Julian: The date value is displayed as the Julian date, that is
the number of days since 1.1.4713 before Christ.
- Time decimal: The time value is displayed as hours and fractions of
hours separated by a dot, e.g. 17.3 = 17:18:00.
- Time H:M:S: The time value is displayed as hours,
minutes and seconds, separated by colons.
This is the default.
- Actual Time: Reset the input values to the actual date and time.
- Animate: Updates the watch every second. If Actual Time is
enabled then the chart is real time. Else the chart is updated for a
minute each second, i.e. 60 times faster than real time.
- Fast Animate: The chart is updated for an hour each second, i.e.
3600 times faster than real time. This is only available if Animate
is enabled and Actual Time is disabled.
- No Planets: Disable all planet calculations.
- -4710 - 9999: Use the basic planet calculation algorithm. This
algorithm is valid from -4711 until today and has an accuracy of one
degree for the outer planets. This is the default.
- 1970 - 2000: This item is reserved for future use (to add a more accurate calculation algorithm).
- No Aspects: Disable all aspect calculations.
- Some Aspects: Show the first four aspects: "Conjunct",
"Opposite", "Trine" and "Square". An aspect
is shown if the planets' angles are within additional two degrees of the
aspect's angle. This is the default.
- Base Aspects: Show nine aspects. The additional five aspects
are: "Quintile", "Sextile", "Septile",
"Semisquare" and "Novile".
- More Aspects: Show 18 aspects, including five semi- and four
bi-aspects from "Semiquintile" to "Binovile".
- All Aspects: Show 31 aspects including tri-, quatro- and
- Near Aspects: A near aspect is shown if the
planets' angles are within additional four degrees of the aspect's
- No Houses: Disable all house calculations.
- Placidus: Use the "Placidus" house system for house
calculations, one of the most common house systems used. This is the
- Campanus, Equal, Koch, Meridian, Morinus,
Porphyry, Regiomontan and Topocentric: Use the
selected house system for house calculations.
The "Ok" button saves the changes and the "Cancel"
button discards the changes. Both buttons close the configuration frame.
The "Defaults" button resets the entire configuration