Warhammer 40k - Chaos
The Chaos Gods - the different ways of Chaos:
Khorne -
Nurgle -
Slaanesh -
Tzeentch -
Chaos undivided
- God of: battle and war
- Colour: brass, black, blood red
- Doctrine: Berzerker
- Arch Enemy: magic, Sorcerers
World Eaters
- Primarch: Angron (killed by Sanguinius, Champion of Khorne, Daemon Prince)
- Doctrine: savage Berzerker
- HQ - Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon.
- HQ - Chaos Lord.
- Elite - Berzerker Champion, leader of a Berzerker squad.
- Elite - Berzerker, strong, armed with Chain Axe, most dangerous in close combat.
- Troop - Bloodletter/Horned One, Daemon Pack, basic daemon troop, armed with deadly Hellblades.
- Fast Attack - Flesh Hound, Daemon Pack, hunters of Khorne.
- Fast Attack - Furies.
- Fast Attack - Juggernaut, Marine riding atop a Khorne Jugger, which is a brutal daemon (a Chaos gift).
- God of: decay, unclean, plague
- Colour: rusting steel, bilious greens and browns
Death Guard
- Primarch: Mortarion
- Doctrine: Plague Marine
- Special: all Marines are Plague Marines
- HQ - Great Unclean One, Greater Daemon.
- HQ - Daemon Prince.
- HQ - Chaos Lord.
- Elite - Icon Bearer.
- Elite - Champion.
- Elite - Plague Marine, tough, armed with Plague Sword to inflict noxious poxes and diseases.
- Troop - Nurgling, Lesser Daemon, protected by a cloud of flies.
- Troop - Plaguebearer, Daemon Pack, protected by a cloud of flies.
- Heavy Support - Havoc.
- God of: indulgence and pleasure
- Colour: pastel shades of pink, blue, green
Emperor's Children
- Primarch: Fulgrim
- Doctrine: Noise Marine
- HQ - Keeper of Secrets, Greater Daemon.
- HQ - Chaos Lord.
- Troop - Champion.
- Troop - Chaos Space Marine.
- Fast Attack - Daemonette, Daemon Pack, basic daemon troop, surrounded by an aura of seduction.
- Fast Attack - Daemonic Steed, cavalry with the speed and ferocity of daemonic beast.
- Heavy Support - Noise Marine, armed with strange weapons of sound.
- God of: sorcery and change
- Colour: electric blue, yellow, purple
- Doctrine: Sorcerer
- weaker than Khorne
Thousand Sons
- Primarch: Magnus the Red (Daemon Prince)
- Home-world: Prospero (destroyed by Space Wolves)
- Doctrine: Sorcery to master Chaos
- Arch Enemy: Space Wolves
- Special: bound in their armour as spirits (This ritual is known as the Rubric of Ahriman)
- HQ - Lord of Change, Greater Daemon.
- HQ - Sorcerer, psyker, Librarian who pledged his soul to Chaos, never in assault squads.
- Troop - Chaos Space Marine.
- Troop - (Blue/Pink) Horror, Daemon Pack, pure Chaos unbound, flames and maws.
- Troop - Flamer, Daemon Pack, firing bursts of flame.
- Fast Attack - Screamer, Daemon Pack, sky-sharks, armed with blades.