Warhammer 40k - Chaos
- Heavy Close Combat - Chain Axe - heavy axe of Khorne Berzerker.
- Close Combat - Plague Weapon - weapon of Nurgle, a Chaos gift (e.g. Plague Knife, Plague Sword).
- Long Range - Heavy Stubber - old-fashioned automatic weapon which fires a hail of solid shots.
- Long Range - Reaper Auto Cannon - early form of Assault Cannon with solid ammunition.
- Long Range - Terminator Combi-Weapon - early Terminators had Combi-Weapons, like Twin-Bolter or Melta-Bolter.
- Heavy Support - Blastmaster - sonic weapon of Slaanesh, a Chaos gift.
- Heavy Support - Doom Siren - sonic weapon of Slaanesh, a Chaos gift.
- Heavy Support - Havoc Missile Launcher.
- Heavy Support - Sonic Blaster - sonic weapon of Slaanesh used by Emperor's Children, a Chaos gift.
- Chaos Titans have access to all Imperial Titan older style weaponry.
- Titan Close Combat - Doom Fist - combination of Chain Fist, Power Fist and Melta Cannon.
- Titan Close Combat - Hellblades - huge Power Sword.
- Titan Close Combat - Hellslicers - daemonic claws.
- Titan Long Range - Castigator Cannon - barrage of atonal noise, a sonic weapon.
- Titan Long Range - Death Storm - rapid fired salvos of rockets against infantry.
- Titan Long Range - Doom Burner - spews molten metal over a short range.
- Titan Long Range - Havoc Rack - with six missiles, like Heavy Barrage.
- Titan Long Range - Hellstrike Cannon - like Mega Cannon.
- HQ - Daemon Prince, living god who was once a Chaos Lord, may be a psyker.
- HQ - Greater Daemon, living representation of a Chaos god, leader of daemon armies.
- HQ - Chaos Lord, leader, most powerful individual (Captain).
- HQ - Chaos Lieutenant, right hand of Chaos Lord.
- HQ - Word Bearer Dark Apostle/Word Bearer Demagogue, spiritual leader (Chaplain).
- HQ - Apothecary, creating new kind of superhuman, psychotic warriors.
- HQ - Standard Bearer, with Blasted Standard (e.g. Plague Banner).
- HQ - Retinue, Terminator bodyguard.
- Elite - Dreadnought, psychotic, can have spiky bits.
- Elite - Chosen/Chaos Terminator Champion, leader of a Terminator squad (Sergeant).
- Elite - Chosen/Chaos Terminator/Cult Terminator, better armoured and more powerful, mutated with barbed tails, spikes or additional arms.
- Elite - Icon Bearer, person bearing the mark of its deity, gaining extra strength or toughness.
- Elite - Possessed Marine, Marine possessed by a daemon.
- Troop - (Aspiring) Champion, leader of a squad, most brutal member, access to more Chaos weapons (Sergeant).
- Troop - Chaos Space Marine.
- Troop - Beastman, wild and untrained, runs before the main force.
- Troop - Chaos Spawn, mindless creatures.
- Troop - Daemon Pack, basic daemon troop, flickering in and out of reality.
- Troop - Warhounds, wild wolf like hounds.
- Troop/Transport - Rhino, with various spikes, trophies, rams, etc.
- Fast Attack - Bike, but older mark vehicle.
- Fast Attack - Disc Rider, a Chaos gift.
- Fast Attack - Raptor, Chaos cult of flying, with jump pack.
- Fast Attack - Furies, undivided Lesser Daemons, flying ahead of the main Chaos army.
- Heavy Support - Defiler, a six-legged machine, armed with hooks, barbs and mighty battle cannon.
- Heavy Support - Havoc, traitor Devastator, with long rang arsenal and tank busting items.
- Heavy Support - Land Raider.
- Heavy Support - Obliterator, Chaos cult, half human-half machine modified by the Techno-virus, arms are guns, chest is full of gun barrels, and mouth bears even more firepower.
- Heavy Support - Predator.
- Heavy Support - Vindicator.
- HQ - Warsmith, Captain of a Great Company.
- Troop - Chaos Space Marine.
- Heavy Support - Land Raider.
- Heavy Support - Obliterator.
- Troop - Chaos Cultist Demagogue, leader of a Chaos cultist squad.
- Troop - Chaos Cultist, member of a hidden Chaos cult, armed with Heavy Stubber, squad contains 10-50 units.
- Scout Chaos Titan - Warhound, like normal.
- Battle Chaos Titan - Reaver, like normal.
- Battle Chaos Titan - Warlord, like normal, with additional battle-head and tail.
- Battle Chaos Titan - Khorne Banelord, 6 shields, armed with battle-head, Cannon Tail, Doomfist, Hellstrike Cannon.
- Daemon Engines have no shields.
- Daemon Engine Khorne - Lord of Battle, a Greater Daemon of Khorne in mechanical form, armed with Chain Fist, Doom Burner, etc.
- Daemon Engine Nurgle - Plague Tower, siege tower, poisoning the ground around, armed with Plague Cannon, Quake Cannon.
- Daemon Engine Slaanesh - Questor, armed with two Castigator Cannons.
- Daemon Engine Slaanesh - Subjugator, armed with two Hellslicers.
- Death Hands
- Flaming Skulls - Colour: red, orange, yellow, black
- Fire Masters - Colour: orange, yellow, grey
- Legio Mortis (Death's Head) - Colour: red, black
- Legio Vulcanum - Colour: yellow, dark green, black
- Legio Vulturum - Colour: silver, white, black
- Storm Lords - Colour: blue, grey, black
- Tiger Eyes - Colour: yellow, white, green
- Warped Dogs
- Chaos forces tend to travel in Space Hulks, combination of many ships by the tides of the Warp.
- Chaos armies have access to all Imperial older style space ships.
- Drop - Dreadclaw Assault Pod, pre-heresy drop pod.
- Flyer - Doomfire, bomber.
- Flyer - Hell Talon, fighter bomber.
- Flyer - Swiftdeath, fighter, speedy attack craft.
- Escort - Iconoclast Destroyer.
- Escort - Idolator Class Raider.
- Escort - Infidel Class Raider, large escort ship.
- Cruiser - Chaos Cruiser.
- Cruiser - Goliath Class Forge Tender, also run by heretic Tech Priests.
- Cruiser - Possessed Daemon Cruiser.
- Grand Cruiser - Executor Class Grand Cruiser, lance boat.
- Grand Cruiser - Retaliator Class Grand Cruiser, with launch bays for Swiftdeath and Doomfire.
- Grand Cruiser - Repulsive Grand Cruiser, slow moving.
- Grand Cruiser - Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser.
- Battle - Desolator Battleship.
- Battle - Despoiler Battleship.
- Battle - Planet Killer, flag ship of Abaddon.
- The organization of the Chaos Space Marines is similar to Space Marines.
- The original Chaos Space Marine Chapters are the chapters turned to Chaos during the Horus Heresy.
- A Chapter of the First Founding contains 12 Great Companies.
- The groups of units are called Squads, Daemon units are called Packs.
- Squads contain between 5 and 20 Marines.
- Bike squads consists of between 3 and 10 bikes.
- The optimal number of Marines in squads is determined by their deity.
Alpha Legion
- Primarch: Perturabo
- Colour: steel/silver with gold
- Logo: helmet
- Doctrine: siege, heavy bombardment
Lunar Wolves (renamed to) Sons of Horus (renamed to) Black Legion
- Primarch: Horus (killed by Emperor)
- Colour: black
- Doctrine: Chaos undivided
- Abaddon, the Despoiler, was Horus' first Captain.
Night Lords
- Primarch: Konrad Curze (Night Hunter)
- Colour: blue, black and gold
- Logo: winged skull
- Doctrine: stealth (infiltration) and specialized in night fights
Word Bearers
- Primarch: Lorgar
- Doctrine: convert the loyal