Space Wolves
- Primarch: Leman Russ (who challenged them with the epic quest of finding him among the stars)
- Colour: grey
- Logo: wolf
- Home-world: Fenris
- Doctrine: completely unorthodox
- Arch Enemy: Thousand Sons
- Special: wolf fangs, helix of the wolf/beast (Wulfen)
- HQ - Great Wolf, Chapter Commander.
- HQ - Wolf Lord, Captain.
- HQ - Rune Priest, Librarian.
- HQ - Wolf Priest, Chaplain and Apothecary.
- HQ - Standard Bearer.
- HQ - Iron Priest, Techmarine.
- HQ - Wolf Guard, Command Squad, Terminator bodyguard with Wolf tail talisman.
- Elite - Dreadnought.
- Elite - Grey Hunter, Veteran.
- Elite - 13th Company Grey Slayers, veteran Marine, core of 13th Company.
- Elite - 13th Company Storm Claws, veteran Assault Marine.
- Elite - 13th Company Wulfen Guard, Wulfen banded together into packs of beasts.
- Troop - Blood Claw, young Tactical Marine, squads contain between 8 and 15.
- Troop - Wolf Scout, scout.
- Troop - Fenrisian Wolf, hound.
- Troop/Transport - Razorback.
- Heavy Support - Long Fang, Devastator.
- A completely unorthodox chapter, its organization and style bear no resemblance to the Codex Astartes.
- The Chapter is divided into 12 Great Companies.
- There is a 13th independent company fighting in the Eye Of Terror.
- The ranks and positions inside the companies are derived from their age.