Warhammer 40k - Space Marines
- Various fighting orders (Order Militant) also called Legion Astartes or
Adeptus Astartes after the Codex Astartes written by Roboute Guilliman.
- The different chapters have different home-worlds.
- Space Marines are genetically engineered super-humans, with up to nineteen additional organs.
- Weapons - Units - Space Ships - Organization (Chapters)
- Close Combat - Chain Weapon - rotating chain teeth covered blade (e.g. Sword/Axe).
- Close Combat - Crozius Arcanum - eagle/skull-formed power weapon with a neuro-disruptor used by Chaplains.
- Close Combat - Force Weapon - psychic weapon, only used by a psyker (e.g. Librarian).
- Close Combat - Incinerator - high level flamer.
- Close Combat - Lightning Claws - bladed gloves, each blade is a mini power weapon, used in pairs.
- Close Combat - Multi-Melta - short range anti-tank weapon.
- Close Combat - Nemesis Weapon - special Grey Knight power weapon.
- Close Combat - Pistol - small version of a gun for close combat (e.g. Bold Pistol, Plasma Pistol).
- Close Combat - Power Weapon - disruptive energy field covered (sword, axe, glove).
- Close Combat - Power Gloves/Fists - disruptive energy field covered hydraulic power gloves.
- Close Combat - Storm Shield - energy shield, used with Thunder Hammer.
- Close Combat - Thunder Hammer - self destructive energy-explosion hammer (suicidal).
- Long Range - Cannon - large version of a gun (e.g. Plasma Cannon).
- Long Range - Assault Cannon - multi barreled gun, fires explosive ammunition in bursts.
- Long Range - Bolt Gun - smaller form, fires self propelled explosives.
- Long Range - Deathwatch Boltgun Ammo - shells filled with poison.
- Long Range - Lascannon - long range anti-tank weapon.
- Long Range - Missile Launcher.
- Long Range - Multi-Melta - tank hunter weapon.
- Long Range - Needle Sniper Rifle.
- Long Range - Plasma Weapon - kind of Plasma weapon (e.g. Plasma Pistol, Plasma Cannon), for light vehicles or groups of infantry.
- Long Range - Psycannon - Bolter with special warheads with ritually inscribed silver tips (Grey Knight Boltgun Ammo).
- Long Range - Storm Bolter or Bolter - gun for rocket propelled shells.
- Heavy Support - Heavy Weapon - larger version of a weapon (e.g. Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer).
- Heavy Support - Typhoon Missile Launcher - larger version of the Missile Launcher.
- Heavy Support - Whirlwind multi-launcher - dual heavy rocket launcher, for hitting infantry.
- Unless listed otherwise all units have Power Armour.
- The Terminators are equipped with Tactical Dreadnought Armour.
- HQ - Chapter Commander/Chapter Master, commander of a chapter.
- HQ - (Terminator) Captain, commander of a company.
- HQ - (Terminator) Librarian, psyker, blue armour, armed with the psychic Power Smite.
- HQ - (Terminator) Chaplain, spiritual leader, black armour and skull-helmet, armed with Crozius Arcanum and Rosarius (invulnerability amulet),
- HQ - Apothecary, medic, white armour, treats small wounds and extracts gene-seeds from fallen Marines.
- HQ - Standard Bearer, with the company banner.
- HQ - Techmarine, maintains and repairs everything, red armour, looks after the Machine Spirits.
- HQ - Command Squad, bodyguard for command character, veterans with various special skills, contains all other HQ characters.
- Elite - Dreadnought, a Marine interned in a sarcophagus, armed with Storm Bolter and Flamer or Assault Cannon and Power Fist.
- Elite - Siege Dreadnought, armed with an assault drill and a heavy Flamer.
- Elite - Terminator Sergeant, leader of a Terminator squad, has access to a wide range of special equipment.
- Elite - Terminator (Tactical) Squad, armed with Power Fist, Storm Bolter or heavy weapons. May teleport into battle.
- Elite - Terminator Assault Squad, armed with Lightning Claws or Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield.
- Elite - (Assault/Tactical) Veteran, hardened veteran.
- Elite - Ultramarines Tyranid Hunter, Veteran, elite Tyranid hunter.
- Troop - (Veteran) Sergeant, leader of a squad.
- Troop - Tactical/Combat Squad, basic troop, armed with Bolter, one Marine may carry a heavy weapon.
- Troop - Scout, new recruit not yet fully transformed into a Marine, no Power Armour, fighting independently, armed with Needle Sniper Rifle or Shotgun.
- Troop/Transport - Razorback, variant of Rhino with turret mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolter, carries up to six Marines, but no Terminators.
- Troop/Transport - Rhino, transport tank, carries up to ten Marines (Power Armours), but no Terminators.
- Fast Attack - (Veteran) Assault Sergeant, leader of an Assault squad.
- Fast Attack - Assault Squad, with jump packs and close combat weapons, Bolt- and Plasma Pistols.
- Fast Attack - Attack Bike, heavy support for the bike squad, armed with Multi-Melta.
- Fast Attack - Bike, armed with twin-linked Bolter.
- Fast Attack - Scout Bike, armed with twin-linked Bolter.
- Fast Attack - Land Speeder, a fast and maneuver able skimmer, armed with Bolter or Multi-Melta.
- Fast Attack - Land Speeder Tempest, armoured and enclosed cockpit, armed with Assault Cannon and missiles.
- Fast Attack - Land Speeder Tornado, skimmer, more heavily armed.
- Fast Attack - Land Speeder Typhoon, skimmer, armed with Typhoon missile launchers.
- Heavy Support - Devastator, armed with Bolter and combination of Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon, Multi-Melta.
- Heavy Support - Land Raider, master tank, armed with twin-linked Lascannon, twin-linked Heavy Bolter, transports 10 Marines or 5 Terminators.
- Heavy Support - Predator, variant of Rhino, light assault tank for squad support.
- Heavy Support - Predator Annihilator, tank hunter, armed with array of four Lascannon.
- Heavy Support - Predator Destructor, variant of Predator, for fighting light vehicles and infantry.
- Heavy Support - Vindicator, variant of Rhino, slow siege tank, armed with Demolisher Cannon, capable of felling small Titans.
- Heavy Support - Whirlwind, Rhino armed with a Whirlwind Missile Launcher.
- Drop - Drop Pod, pod for landing an entire squad from space.
- Drop - Landing Craft, assault vehicle to quickly deliver troops to a planets surface.
- Flyer - Thunderhawk, armed shuttle, attack craft, troop carrier, transports up to 30 marines.
- Flyer - Thunderhawk Transporter, armed shuttle, tank carrier.
- Escort - same as Imperial Navy.
- Escort - Gladius Class Frigate, transport for smaller Marine forces.
- Escort - Hunter Class Destroyer, fast torpedo boat, armed with torpedoes.
- Escort - Nova Class Frigate, armed with Lance.
- Cruiser - Space Marine Strike Cruiser, fast, lightly-armed, slightly smaller than a light cruiser, carries a full company.
- Battle - Space Marine Battle Barge, capital ship, 1-3 barges in fleet, for close support of planetary landings, with launch space for Thunderhawk gunships and drop pods.
- The groups of units are called squads or squadrons.
- All squads consist of one Sergeant and 4-9 Marines.
- Bike squadrons consist of 1 Sergeant and 2-4 Marines.
- Land Speeder squadrons consist of 1-3 vehicles.
- Every leader from Sergeant upwards has a banner on top of their backpacks.
Assault and Scout Sergeants cannot carry banners due to practical considerations.
- A complete force is called a company.
- The forces of the First Founding were called the Legions.
- The Legions Astartes were formed up into 20 Chapters each having a Primarch as its leader or Chapter Master.
- The forces of the Second Founding were fixed at a nominal of one thousand fighting warriors, called the Chapter.
- There are about 1000 Chapters.
- Seven years after the death of Horus the Second Founding changed the Space Marines
organization after the Codex Astartes.
- In the Second Founding all legions were divided into less or equal 5 new Chapters, the
Space Wolves just into 2, the Ultramarines into more than 20 (or up to 37 because they
were 50% of all Marines).
- The Headquarters Staff consists of the Master of Chapter (Lord of Ultramar), the Armoury and the Librarians.
- The Chapter is divided into 10 companies.
- The 1st company consists of Veteran troops consisting of 20 Terminator or 10 Veteran squads.
- The 2nd to 5th company are battle companies, divided into 10 squads, 6 Tactical, 2 Assault and 2 Devastator, supported by Dreadnoughts, Rhinos, Land Speeders, Bikes.
- The 6th to 9th company are reserve companies, containing of 10 Tactical, 10 Assault or 10 Devastator.
- The 10th company consists of Scout troops, no squads.
- Ultramarine veteran and scout troops are completely black.
- All other Ultramarine companies have special colours:
2nd to 9th: yellow, red, green, black, orange, pink, grey, blue.