Warhammer 40k - Eldar
- The mysterious Eldar are an ancient race after its fall.
- The Eldar follow "the Path", a strict path of study and learning, regulating themselves.
- The Eldar are divided into three races: the (Craftworld) Eldar,
the Dark Eldar and the Exodites.
- The Harlequins are a sect consisting of warriors from all three Eldar races.
- Weapons - Units - War Machines - Space Ships - Organization
- Close Combat - Deathspinner - mono filament gun.
- Close Combat - Fusion Weapon - Eldar Melta technology weapon (e.g. Fusion Pistol, Fusion Gun).
- Close Combat - Harlequin's Kiss - mono filament wire slicing a foe apart.
- Close Combat - Melta Bomb.
- Close Combat - Neuro Disruptor - disrupts the brain's neural pathways.
- Close Combat - Power Blades - blades fitted to forearm.
- Long Range - Hawk's Talon - more powerful version of the Lasblaster of Swooping Hawks.
- Long Range - Lasblaster - rapid-firing laser weapon.
- Long Range - Mandiblaster - modified helmet fires thin slivers of metal that act as a conductor for a highly charged laser.
- Long Range - Prism Cannon - focuses a narrow laser beam through a highly complex crystal array.
- Long Range - Shrieker Cannon - fires a single shot of toxins which lets its victim explode.
- Long Range - Shuriken Catapult - fires a hail of razor-sharp discs.
- Long Range - Wraithcannon - creates a miniature Warp hole over a target which implodes and disappears.
- Heavy Support - Eldar Missile Launcher - fires krak or plasma missiles.
- Titan Long Range - Distortion Cannon (D-Cannon) - Warp field generator opens a rift.
- Titan Long Range - Psi-Lance - amplifies the crews psychic, shocks other Titan crews.
- Titan Long Range - Pulsar/Star Pulsar - burst of rapid firing pulse shots.
- Titan Long Range - Vibro Cannon (V-Cannon) - magnetic fields shake the target apart.
- Most units wear armour of psycho plastic, psycho-responsive wraithbone.
- HQ - Avatar, psyker, living incarnation of Khaine (the Eldar god of war), after a terrible sacrifice to Khaine, armed with "The Wailing Doom".
- HQ - Phoenix Lord, founder of a Shrine, has been re-born many times giving him thousands of years of experience. For each Aspect Shrine.
- HQ - Autarch, supreme commander, master of many paths, including one or more of the facets of the Warrior path.
- HQ - Farseer, leader, psyker with a wide range of psychic powers, politician.
- HQ - Seer Council, Farseers and Warlocks (in Undercouncil), guide the fate of the Craftworld.
- HQ - Warlock, psyker, dedicated to a warrior Aspect, armed with weapons that amplify his psychic powers, up to 5 units form bodyguard for Farseer.
- Elite - Exarch, leader and upgraded veteran of a squad.
- Elite - Fire Dragon, Aspect Warrior Close Combat, armed with Melta Bombs and Fusion Gun. Squads of 5-10. Exarch armed with Firepike.
- Elite - Howling Banshee, Aspect Warrior Close Combat, emits a paralyzing cry.
- Elite - Striking Scorpion, Aspect Warrior Close Combat, wears good armour, armed with Mandiblaster. In squads of between 5 and 10.
- Elite - Warp Spider, Aspect Warrior for Close Combat, with warp jump generator, armed with a Deathspinner. Exarch armed with Power Blades.
- Elite - Wraithguard, soul of dead Eldar transplanted into machine, led by a Warlock, armed with a Wraithcannon.
- Troop - Exarch, leader and upgraded veteran of a squad.
- Troop - Dire Avenger, most widespread Aspect, armed with Shuriken Catapult, squads contain 5-10.
- Troop - Guardian, basic warrior, the bulk of the Eldar force, squads are generally large, 5-20, armed with Shuriken Catapults.
- Troop - Ranger, infiltration unit with camouflage cloaks, armed with Needle Rifle, up to 3 units in squad.
- Troop - Storm Guardian, warriors of the close combat Aspect Shrines, equipped with a Shuriken Catapult or Pistol and close combat weapon.
- Troop/Transport - Wave Serpent.
- Fast Attack - Exarch, leader and upgraded veteran of a squad: Shining Spear Exarch.
- Fast Attack - Jet Bike, armed with twin-linked Shuriken Catapults and Cannons.
- Fast Attack - Shining Spear, best jet bike of specialized Aspect, armed with Laser Lances.
- Fast Attack - Shrieker, better jet bike, armed with a single Shuriken Cannon.
- Fast Attack - Swooping Hawk, Aspect Warrior with jet pack wings. A squad consists of between 5 and 10 units.
- Fast Attack - Vyper, jet bike, highly mobile weapons platform with light armour.
- Heavy Support - Dark Reaper, Aspect Warrior of Long Range, armed with heavy Reaper launcher.
- Heavy Support - Falcon, anti gravity tank and transport.
- Heavy Support - Fire Prism, anti gravity tank, armed with Prism Cannon.
- Heavy Support - Support Weapon, cause localized earthquakes while others utilize warp technology.
- Heavy Support - War Walker, squads of three vehicles, protected by a powerful force field.
- Heavy Support - Wraithlord, war machine controlled by the soul of slain Eldar hero, armed with power fists.
Former called Ghost Warrior.
- Harlequins are armoured in Holo Suits to misdirect the enemy.
- HQ - Avatar.
- HQ - Great Harlequin, leader of a band.
- HQ - Shadowseer, uses telepathic abilities to confuse enemies.
- Elite - Death Jester, 3 units in squad, armed with Shrieker Cannon and Power Blades.
- Elite - Solitaire.
- Troop - Harlequin Troupe Leader, leader of Troupe Squad.
- Troop - Harlequin Troupe, armed with Shuriken Pistol, 5-10 units in squad.
- Fast Attack - Harlequin Jet Bike, 3-10 units mounted on Eldar jet bikes.
- Heavy Support - Harlequin Dreadnought/Wraithlord.
- Heavy Support - Venom, open topped skimmer, transports 7 Harlequins, armed with twin-linked Shuriken Catapults.
- Super Heavy Support - Scorpion, super heavy anti-gravity tank, armed with twin Pulsars and Bright Lance.
- Super Heavy Support - Cobra, variant of Scorpion, armed with D-Cannon.
- All Eldar Titans are protected by holographic fields.
- Scout Titan - Revenant, armed with two Pulsars and Revenant missile launcher.
- Battle Titan - Phantom, armed with Star Pulsar, D-Cannon, V-Cannon and Power Fist.
- Battle Titan - Warlock, as Phantom Titan with distinct head shape, armed with Psi Lance.
- Escort - Aconite.
- Escort - Hemlock Class Destroyer, armed with a powerful Lance.
- Escort - Hellebore, armed with a mixture of torpedo, lance and standard weaponry.
- Escort - Nightshade, torpedo boat.
- Escort - Shadow Hunter, very fast by Eldar standards, Craftworld defending.
- Cruiser - Eclipse Class Cruiser, fast cruiser, armed with Pulsar Lances and bombers.
- Cruiser - Shadow Cruiser, using holo-fields to avoid detection.
- Battle - Dragonship, collective name given to the larger classes of Eldar vessels, use solar wind sails.
- Battle - Void Stalker, pinnacle of Eldar stellar technology.
- Battle - Wraithship, made from wraithbone.
- The groups of units are called squads.
- A complete Harlequin force is called a band.
- The Eldar live on huge vessels known as Craftworld.
- Alaitoc colour: blue,
logo: sword,
doctrine: Rangers and Harlequins
- Biel-Tan colour: green,
logo: hearth with ankh,
doctrine: militant
- Iyanden colour: yellow,
logo: gate,
doctrine: wraith
- Saim-Hann colour: red,
logo: "S",
doctrine: barbaric
- Ulthwè colour: black,
logo: eye,
doctrine: psykers
- Varantha.