- Police and judges, they obtain law and order.
- Have their own fleet, independent of Navy.
- Marshal of Court, commander of a precinct.
- Champion, leader of a squad.
- Proctor, leader of a Arbitrator squad.
- Arbitrator/Enforcer, basic troop, armed with carapace armour, Bolt Pistol, Shotgun and Power Maul, one Arbitrator may carry a Grenade Launcher.
- Riot Squad, assault troop, armed with Power Maul and Suppression Shield.
- Judge, judge, for several precincts.
- Hunt Team with Cyber Mastiff.
- Cyber Mastiff.
- Squads contain 5 units.
- Up to 100 Arbitrators are stationed in a Court House.
- A precinct contains one or more Court Houses.
- Astropaths are blinded during the soul binding process.
- Astropaths wear green robes, used for communication.
- The Astronomican is the homing beacon for the Navigators.
- It is in the Forbidden Fortress, Terra.
- The strongest psykers from the Blackships are used to feed the Astronomican.
- The officio "organizes" the use of assassins.
- There are five secret orders (Adeptus) or hidden Temples of assassins.
- Elite - Callidus Assassin, deceptive, have learned to change the very shape of their bodies allowing them to infiltrate the enemy's lines, mainly females.
- Elite - Culexus Assassin, exploit their strange psychic mutation to distract the enemy.
- Elite - Death Cult Assassin, armed with exotic ritual stilettos and blades. Offset of church.
- Elite - Eversor Assassin, the most highly trained and brutal killer, more gruesome monster then assassin.
- Elite - Vindicare Assassin, kills from distance, armed with deadly sniper rifles.
- Also called Adeptus Mechanicus - create and maintain all machinery, run forge worlds.
- Logo: cyber skull (skull half with implants inside a cog wheel)
- Home-world: Mars
- Doctrine: augmentics, machines
- Special: most advanced weapons and technologies
- The cult is driven by the belief in the machine god.
- Squads of 10 Tech Adepts are commanded by a Tech Priest.
- The Titan Legions are the Cult Mechanicus' fighting arm.
- HQ - Fabricator General, commander the Cult Mechanicus
- HQ - Archmagos, leader, has access to most secret technologies.
- HQ - Magos, leader, advanced Tech Priest of specific area.
- HQ - Tech Priest (Enginseer), maintains and repairs everything, aided by Servitors.
- Mechanicus Adept/Tech Adept, junior Tech Priest.
- Elite - Luminen, living battery, deals powerful electric blasts.
- Troop - Tech Guard, enhanced human body guards and basic troops.
- Battle Servitor, more machine than man, armed with powerful claws used in close combat.
- Gun Servitor, have all manner of equipment build into their bodies, armed with long ranged weapons.
- Imperial Servitor, servitor under Imperial Guard service.
- Chrono-Gladiator, special Servitor with time limit to kill its target or it will self destruct.
- Cruiser - Goliath Class Forge Tender, run by Tech Priests to perform maintenance and repairs.
- Also called the Imperial Cult, Ecclesiarchy or simply church.
- The Schola Progenium is the orphanage and basic school run by Missionaries.
- The Adepta Sororitas/Sisters of Battle are under its control.
- There are other orders like the Orders Hospitaller, who provide medical care and support.
- Often females from the Schola Progenium enter one or another order.
- Some males from the Schola Progenium are recruited by the Commissariat.
- Close Combat - Eviscerator - chainsaw with Exterminator flame cartridge.
- Elite - Arch Confessor, Confessor armed with Rosarius, Power Mace, Bolt Pistol.
- Elite - Confessor, priest.
- Elite - Missionary, priest.
- Elite - Arco Flagellant, punishment, berserk killing machine, between 3-6 units in squad, lead by a priest.
- Troop - Preacher, lowest rank of priest, to help keeping faith in the Emperor.
- Redemptor Priest.
- Zealot, armed with Eviscerator or massive axe.
- Deacon, confirmed Brethren, armed with flamer.
- Brethren, follower, armed with Auto gun, Shotgun, Stubber and pistol.
- Collect psykers from the whole empire with the League of Blackships.
- Scholastica Psykana is the school for psykers, like Astropaths, Librarians, Inquisitors.
- Also called Titan Legions - aristocrats with their Titans, related to Adeptus Mechanicus' forge words.
- The Titan Legions are the Cult Mechanicus' fighting arm.
- Titan Close Combat - Chain Fist - Titan version of Chain weapon.
- Titan Close Combat - Laser Burner.
- Titan Close Combat - Power Fist/Saw/Ram - Titan version of Power weapon.
- Titan Close Combat - Wrecker Ball.
- Titan Long Range - Devastator Cannon - massive defence laser.
- Titan Long Range - Doomsday Cannon - like Mega Cannon.
- Titan Long Range - Doomstrike Battery - customized missile racks, like Heavy Barrage.
- Titan Long Range - Gatling Blaster.
- Titan Long Range - Inferno Gun - Titan version of Inferno weapon.
- Titan Long Range - Laster Blaster.
- Titan Long Range - Melta Cannon - Titan version of Melta weapon.
- Titan Long Range - Plasma Blastgun/Destructor - Titan version of Plasma weapon.
- Titan Long Range - Rocket Launcher - fires Vortex, Plasma, Haywire, Warp missiles, like Heavy Barrage.
- Titan Long Range - Turbo Laser.
- Titan Long Range - Volcano Cannon.
- Titan Long Range - Vulcan Mega-bolter - Titan version of Bolter weapon.
- All Titans are protected by energy shields called Void Shields.
- Scout Titan - Warhound, 2 shields, carries 2 weapons on arms.
- Battle Titan - Reaver, 4 shields, carries 3 weapons on arms and carapace.
- Battle Titan - Warlord, 6 shields, carries 4 weapons on arms and carapace.
- Emperor Titan - carries five or more weapons, 25-50 meters tall.
- Emperor Titan - Imperator, 12 shields, carries 9 weapons like Volcano Cannon, command Titan led by Grand Master.
- Emperor Titan - Warmonger, carries 8 weapons like double barreled Devastator Cannon and Doomstrike Battery, long range support with own targeting craft.
- The Grand Master is the leader of a Titan Legion, the Princeps Maximus
is the leader of a Titan squad or company or Demi-Legion, the Princeps is the
commander of a single Titan.
- Fire Wasps
- Legio Ignatum
- Legio Magna
- Legio Praetor
- War Griffons - Home-world: Griffon Forge World
- HQ - Inquisitor Lord, leader, maybe psyker, has access to all kind of armour and weaponry.
- HQ - Inquisitor, may have Terminator armour, armed with Eviscerator, Hammerhand or Power Stake.
- HQ - Acolyte, individuals who aspire to become Inquisitors, armed with Mancatcher.
- HQ - Cherubim, carries equipment or improves psychic abilities.
- HQ - Crusader, skilled fighter.
- HQ - Dialogus, with communication equipment.
- HQ - Hierophant.
- HQ - Mystic.
- HQ - Sage, enhances the Inquisitor's shooting.
- HQ - Servo-Skull, familiar, drone-like device created from the skull of pious Imperial servant, protects/scouts/heals wounds.
- HQ - Chirurgeon or Sister Hospitaller, threats wounds.
- HQ - Dwarf, to mining adapted human, like Tech Priest, but does not belief in Tech Cult.
- HQ - Lexmechanic, scribe.
- HQ - Henchmen/Retinue, skilled coterie of loyal followers to aid them in their work. Some increase the fighting prowess of the Inquisitor, others provide information or increase the Inquisitor's psychic abilities.
- Elite - Assassins, as support.
- Elite - Gun Servitors, as support.
- Elite - Storm Troopers, as support. May have Rhinos as transport.
- Elite - Veteran Guardsmen, as support.
- HQ - Witch Hunter Inquisitor, dealing with traitors, heretics and rogue psykers, protect Humanity from its own terrible potential.
- HQ - Retinue.
- Elite - Imperial Cult, as support in the retinue.
- Elite - Adepta Sororitas/Sisters of Battle, Chamber Militant of the Ordo Hereticus.
- Heavy Support - Penitent Engine, higher form of Arco-flagellation inside an engine.
- Home-world: rings of Saturn.
- HQ - Daemon Hunter Inquisitor, dealing with daemons and Chaos, protecting Humanity from malign daemonic threats.
- HQ - Retinue.
- Elite - Daemonhost, a bound Warp entity (daemon) for study and harnessing.
- Elite - Adeptus Astartes/Grey Knights Chapter, Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus.
- HQ - Inquisitor, dealing with aliens.
- Elite - Adeptus Astartes/Deathwatch, Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos.
- Elite - Deathwatch Kill Team, Veterans squad, black armour, elite alien hunters, contains 5-10 Marines.
- Supersedes the chain of command in the Guard.
- Cadet Commissars are drawn from the Schola Progenium.
- Commissar Training Squad, 9 Cadet Commissar led by a Commissar in battle.
- The Navy is operating all flyers and space ships and is commanding the fleets.
- The Navis Nobilitae houses provide navigators to the Navy and Space Marine Chapters.
- Space - Armageddon Gun.
- Space - Nova Cannon.
- Space - Planet Buster - immense planetary bombardment cannon.
- Navigator, a special mutant, who is able to see and steer in the warp.
- Drop - Deathwind Drop Pod, pod with auto firing heavy gun platform.
- Drop - Devourer Drop-Ship, ship for landing the guard with its tanks, armed with heavy Lascannons and ram missiles.
- Drop - Landing Craft, assault vehicle to quickly deliver troops to a planets surface.
- Flyer - Lightning, air fighter.
- Flyer - Marauder (Bomber), bomber and space attack craft.
- Flyer - Marauder Destroyer, for low, night attack flights, armed with Auto Cannons.
- Flyer - Thunderbolt, heavy fighter, main fighter aircraft.
- Flyer - Valkyrie, armoured assault carrier, can carry a squad of Storm Troopers, armed with forward firing Multi-laser or Lascannon, two door mounted Heavy Bolters and either two wing mounted Hellstrike missiles or fuel tanks.
- Flyer - Vulture Gunship, gunship armed with underwing Rocket pods and Lascannons.
- Flyer - Fury Interceptor, to shoot down enemy torpedoes.
- Flyer - Shark Assault Boat, fired by Battleships.
- Flyer - Starhawk Bomber.
- Transport - Aquila Lander, light shuttle.
- Transport - Arvus Lighter, light cargo hauler.
- Transport - Fast Clipper, small and extremely fast transport.
- Transport - Minotaur Class Tug, tractor and shuttles ground attack vehicles.
- Escort - fast escort ships, combined into squads.
- Escort - Cobra Destroyer, rapid strike vessel, fast torpedo boat.
- Escort - Falchion Class Escort, as Sword Class Frigate.
- Escort - Firestorm Frigate, rapid strike vessel, based on Sword Class, armed with huge lance.
- Escort - Galaxy Class Armed Freighter, old style, half transport capacity but better armed.
- Escort - Stalwart.
- Escort - Sword Class Frigate, rapid strike vessel, mainstay of escort.
- Escort - Tarask Class Merchantman, little vessel with some cargo hold.
- Cruiser - main vessels in fleet, attack craft carriers and mobile batteries, there are 7 Imperial Cruisers.
- Cruiser - Dauntless Class Cruiser, armed with either a lance or torpedo.
- Cruiser - Lunar Class Cruiser.
- Cruiser - Thunderbolt Class Cruiser.
- Cruiser/Transport - Cetaceus Class Transport (Whale), a (super) heavy troop transport, well armed and armoured.
- Cruiser/Transport - Super Heavy Fuel Transport, carries fuel for an entire campaign.
- Cruiser/Transport - Super Heavy Troop Transport, carries tens of thousands of men or a Titan legion.
- Grand Cruiser - Avenger Class Grand Cruiser, gun boat designed as line breaker.
- Grand Cruiser - Exorcist Class Grand Cruiser, long range patrol vessel, with launch bays for Furies and Starhawks.
- Grand Cruiser - Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser, old styled, armed with lances and weapon batteries.
- Battle - Apocalypse Class Battleship, armed with lance turrets.
- Battle - Emperor Class Battleship, oldest of the warships, armed with attack craft and long range weapons.
- Battle - Retribution Class Battleship, slow but well armed.
- Orbital Attack - Hexathedral Assault Citadel, with living quarters, supply and repair depots, armed with Planet Buster, transported in parts.
- Orbital Defence - Ramilies Class Star Fort, with four quadrants each armed with Lances, fighters, bombers, travels the Warp.
The Imperium is divided into 5 segments, each with it's own fleet. The five segments are:
- Segmentum Solar, in the middle and the most densely populated, contains Earth/Terra, Necromunda, Catachan.
- Segmentum Obscurus, the northern Segmentum, contains the Eye of Terror (vortex), Fenris.
- Ultima Segmentum, the Eastern Segmentum and also the largest, contains Baal, Macragge, the Maelstrom (vortex).
- Segmentum Tempestus, the Southern Segmentum.
- Segmentum Pacificus, The Western Segmentum.