Warhammer 40k - Orks
- The Ork weaponry is looted together, crude and not very accurate.
- Heavy Close Combat - Choppa.
- Close Combat - Burna - flamer.
- Close Combat - Frag and Krak Stikkbomb - frag and krak grenade.
- Close Combat - Grot Blasta - kustom Slugga and grabba stikk.
- Close Combat - Scorcha - heavy flamer.
- Close Combat - Slugga - heavy short ranged pistol.
- Close Combat - Psycho Blasta.
- Long Range - Shoota - basic gun.
- Long Range - Kustom Shoota - modified or special gun.
- Heavy Support - Big Shoota - large gun.
- Heavy Support - Rokkit Launcha - rocket launcher
- Heavy Support - Stikk Bomma - bomb.
- Heavy Support - Tankbusta Bomb - armour piercing explosives.
- Super Heavy Support - (Super) Lifta-Droppa (Arm), lifts its target and drops it crashing.
- Titan Close Combat - Deth Roller, against infantry or vehicles.
- Titan Close Combat - Gaze of Ork, short ranged energy weapon.
- Titan Close Combat - Ripper Fist.
- Titan Close Combat - Snapper.
- Titan Long Range - Deth Kannon, fires huge shells at low velocity.
- Titan Long Range - Gatling Kannon.
- Titan Long Range - Gutbuster, like Mega Kannon, fires solid or chain shots.
- Titan Long Range - Klusta Busta, fires a long iron spike.
- Titan Long Range - Slasha Zzap Gun, Titan version of Zzap gun.
- HQ - Warlord, great leader of a "Ork Waaagh!".
- HQ - Warboss, leader of a war-band, with best armour and weapons available.
- HQ - Nob, of the biggest and strongest Orks, armed with Mega Armour and Power Claw.
- HQ - Big Mek, master mechanic with Mekboy bodyguard.
- HQ - Mekanik/Mekboy, an Oddboy, responsible for the creation and maintenance of weaponry and vehicles.
- HQ - Spanner Boy, a Mekboy (an Oddboy), maintains vehicles.
- HQ - Painboss.
- HQ - Painboy/Mad Dok, an Oddboy, capable of healing units during battle.
- HQ - Shaman/Weirdboy, psyker.
- HQ - Banna Wavva, Grot with a Bosspole or Waaagh! banner.
- HQ - Retinue, bodyguard for Warboss, contains 5-10 Nobz.
- Elite - Kommandos, most slippery, cunning, and untrustworthy Orks in any war band.
- Elite - 'Ard Boy, with effective armour, spearhead of assaults.
- Elite - Nutta Boy.
- Elite - Skarboy, veteran Ork with scars.
- Elite - Stormboy Nob, leader of Stormboy mob.
- Elite - Stormboy, with rokkit-packs to fly, mob contains 5-20 boyz.
- Troop - Burna Boy, armed with cutting torches and customized flame weapons, up to 10 units in squad.
- Troop - Loota Boy, armed with looted weapons, better armed than the average Ork.
- Troop - Shoota Boy, an Ork Boy, basic trooper, armed with Shoota, many units in squads.
- Troop - Slugga Boy, an Ork Boy, basic trooper, armed with Slugga and Choppa, many units in squads.
- Troop - (Stikk) Bomma Boy, grenade thrower.
- Troop - Tankbusta Boy, tank hunter, armed with Tankbusta bomb.
- Troop - Runtherd/Slaver, raise and train the Gretchin and Snotling, leader of slave Grotz Mob.
- Troop - Gretchin/Grotz/Snotling, lower member of Ork society, a living shield, mob can contain up to 30 units.
- Troop - Squig/Squiggoth, spherical Ork style hound.
- Fast Attack - Boar Boy, Ork riding a bad tempered vicious (war-)boar or Cyboar.
- Fast Attack - Deth Kopter, Speed Kult flying unit, armed with Psycho Blasta.
- Fast Attack - Warbike, fast bike, armoured and armed with twin-linked weapon systems.
- Fast Attack - Warbuggy, Speed Freak unit, armed with heavy weapons.
- Fast Attack - Wartrak, Speed Freak unit, armed with heavy weapons.
- Fast Attack - Wartrak Scorcher, close range variant of Wartrak, armed with Scorcha.
- Fast Attack - Wartrukk with (Gun) Trukk Boy, Ork riding a tank (with mounted gun).
- Heavy Support - Battlewagon, tank, armed with twin-linked Big Shoota or Zzap Gunz, carries a mob of boyz.
- Heavy Support - Big Gun - Zzap Gun, short ranged energy weapon, manned by Grot.
- Heavy Support - Big Gun - Big Lobba, long range mortar fires high explosive shrapnel shells, manned by Grot.
- Heavy Support - Big Gun - Kannon, cannon fires frag rounds to blast armoured units and light infantry, manned by Grot.
- Heavy Support - Dreadnought, armed with numerous weapon systems, Power Claws or cutting saws.
- Heavy Support - Flak Wagon, anti-aircraft armed vehicle.
- Heavy Support - Gargantuan Squiggoth, Squiggoth bred for size and aggressiveness, armed with gun platform.
- Heavy Support - Gunwagon like Gobsmasha, Gutrippa, Lungbursta, Ork copies of Imperial tanks like Leman Russ, Rhino, Predator.
- Heavy Support - Looted Vehicle, looted from all kind of Imperial vehicles or tanks.
- Heavy Support - Killa Kan, smaller Dreadnought, armed with Power Claws.
- The Feral Orks lack guns, but have a better than normal accuracy.
- Elite - Brute, larger than normal Ork.
- Troop - Hunta, like Shoota Boy.
- Madboy.
- Trappa.
- Wildboy.
- Wyrdboy.
- Super Heavy Support - Battle Fortress, armed with Deth Roller, two Zzap Gunz, and Big Shootas.
- Super Heavy Support - Gunfortress, huge version of Gunwagon with additional weaponry and more armour.
- Super Heavy Support - Stompa.
- Super Heavy Support - Super Stompa.
- All Gargants are protected by energy shields called Power Shields.
- Gargant, 3-6 shields, carries 3 weapons, armed with Gutbuster, Slasha Zzap Gun, Snapper, Gatling or Deth Kannon.
- Great Gargant, 6-12 shields, carries 6 weapons on arms, belly, shoulders and head, armed with Gaze of Ork, etc.
- Mega Gargant, 6-12 shields, carries 7 weapons, armed with Super Lifta-Droppa on arm, Ripper Fist, etc.
- Drop - Landa, Drop Pod.
- Flyer - Bommer, Flyboy, flying artillery.
- Flyer - Fighta Bommer, Flyboy, with extra bombs or rockets under its wings.
- Escort - Onslaught Attack Ship, solid and well armed.
- Escort - Brute Ramship, heavy escort ship with a ramming 'beak'.
- Kill Kroozer, built for a direct attack.
- Ravager, long range torpedo support.
- Savage Gunship, armed with an array of heavy guns.
- Terror Ship, with launch bays for assault boats and fighta bommas, armed with torpedo.
- Battle - Dethdeala Hammer Class Ork Battle Kroozer, armed with Bombardment Kannon.
- Battle - Slamblasta Hammer Class Ork Battle Kroozer, built on the hulks of wrecked Imperial Capital Ships, armed with Prow Lance Head.
- The groups of units are called mobs, multiple Orks are indicated by adding 'z' (e.g. 1 Nob, 2 Nobz).
- The number of units in most mobs is open, but large numbers (30 or more) for basic troops are possible.
- The Orks are organized in tribes or war-bands.
- The Speed Kult contains those Orks whose love for speed is greater than the norm. Most of them with bikes.
- Ork forces are united by a Warlord to an "Ork Waaagh!".
- Bad Moons
- Blood Axes - doctrine: infantry and infiltration
- Deathskulls
- Evil Sunz - doctrine: buggies and bikes
- Goffs
- Snakebites - doctrine: cavalry (boar), tattooed