Warhammer 40k - Tyranids
- The truly alien Tyranids are also called the Great Devourer.
- The Tyranids are named after Tyran, the first planet to be utterly consumed by Hive Fleet Behemoth.
- The Tyranids are an emotionless force of genetically designed killing machines.
- The Tyranids come from another galaxy.
- Weapons - Units - War Machines - Space Ships - Organization
- All Tyranid weapons are biological constructs or entire living creatures.
- Close Combat - Rending Claws.
- Close Combat - Scything Claws - powerful, mantis-like claws.
- Close Combat - Scything Talons.
- Close Combat - Spine Fist.
- Long Range - Venom Cannon - fires shards of crystal.
- Titan Close Combat - Razor Claws.
- Titan Close Combat - Ripper Tentacle - stops enemy war engine from using close combat weapon.
- Titan Long Range - Bio-Cannon - fires highly corrosive slug like organisms.
- Titan Long Range - Cluster Spines - Titan version of Venom Cannon.
- Space - Bio-Plasma - slow moving lance shot.
- Space - Feeder Tentacles - to drain planets' atmospheres and punch other ships.
- Space - Pyro-acidic Battery - launches organic shells containing toxins and pyro-acids.
- Tyranid units can heal/regenerate themselves.
- HQ - Hive Tyrant, swarm leader (synapse creature), psyker, acts as psychic node for the Hive Mind to smaller mindless creatures. Armed with Venom Cannon or Barbed Strangler.
- HQ - Tyrant Guard, bodyguard for synapse creatures, contains 2-3 monsters.
- HQ - Broodlord, fast and strong vanguard organism.
- Elite - Lictor, infiltration unit with chameleonic skin.
- Elite - Tyranid Warrior, psychic node, capable of long range support as well as close combat. A squad consists of between 3 and 9 monsters.
- Troop - Hormagaunt, a Gaunt for short range, armed with razor sharp claws and teeth. A squad consists of between 8 and 32 units.
- Troop - Termagant, a Gaunt, forms mass of Tyranid ground assault, living shield for other troops, armed with ranged weapons.
- Troop - Ripper Swarm, genetic material collectors consuming everything organic, 3-10 swarms in a brood.
- Fast Attack - Gargoyle, flying scout, spits acid and flame. A squad consists of between 8 and 32 units.
- Fast Attack - Ravener, digging surprise raider, armed with slashing claws and disgusting bio-weaponry.
- Heavy Support - Biovore, living mortar fires Spore Mines, which detonate in a shower of poison, frag or acid.
- Heavy Support - Carnifex, monstrous creature, living tank. Can smash through almost any obstacle.
- Heavy Support - Dactylis, bio-artillery, like Biovore.
- Heavy Support - Exocrine, anti tank bio-artillery.
- Heavy Support - Malanthrope, floating psyker, collects genetic material begind the swarm.
- Heavy Support - Zoanthrope, floating psyker, synapse creature, fires volatile warp energy blasts.
- HQ - Patriarch, the first Genestealer, the founder of a Genestealer Cult.
- HQ - Magus, the human leader of a Genestealer Cult.
- Troop - Genestealer, scout/vanguard for fleet, most deadly close quarter opponent. A squad consists of between 6 and 12 units.
- Troop - Genestealer Cult, infested humans, with characteristics
inherited from the host parent: a vaguely humanoid head, or only two arms
instead of the usual four, or shortened or missing tail.
- Troop - Genestealer Cult of four or more generations, passes for a human,
with a bluish skin, sharp pointed teeth and a rather disturbing stare.
- Super Heavy Support - Dominatrix, brood queen, supreme commander of large swarms, node for the Hive Mind.
- Super Heavy Support - Trygon, tunneling under it's enemies, leading broods of Raveners, armed with claws and a bio-electric field.
- All Bio Titans are protected by Bio-Plasma Shields and heal/regenerate themselves.
- Scout Bio Titan - Scythed Hierodule, armed with four Scything Talons and an Acid Spray.
- Scout Bio Titan - Barbed Hierodule, armed with two Scything Talons and a massive bio-cannons.
- Battle Bio Titan - Hierophant, with 6 limbs and bone-like carapace, armed with Bio-Cannon and Razor Claws.
- Genestealer broods travel in Space Hulks, to scout new worlds.
- Drop - Mycetic Spore, as Drop Pod.
- Flyer - Harridan, drop-ship sized flyer, for intercepting enemy flyers and ground attacks, armed with two bio-cannons, carries four Gargoyle clusters.
- Escort - Scout Drone Ship, scout unit, discovers new worlds, drops Genestealer broods.
- Escort - Drone Ship, specializes in long ranged attacks or short range combat, squad contains 2-6 bio-ships.
- Cruiser - Razorfiend Hive Cruiser, capital ship.
- Battle - Leviathan Hive Ship, the heart of the Hive fleet, armed with Feeder Tentacles, Bio-Plasma, etc.
- The groups of units are called a brood, larger units are called a swarm.
- A complete Tyranid force travels in/is a Hive Fleet.
- There are several Hive Fleets.
- The first Hive Fleet discovered was Hive Fleet Behemoth.
- A Hive Fleet is controlled by the powerful psychic consciousness of the
single will termed Hive Mind or "overmind".
- This Hive Mind is a type of collective consciousness that all the
organisms of the Tyranids are a part of.
- Swarms of lesser creatures need the guidance of larger bio-organisms
that are more closely linked to the Hive Mind.